of Sparkling Starlight

of Sparkling Starlight Samoyède


Les tests de caractère

Le test de caractère du club de race CFCNSJ

Nos chiens ayant obtenus 10/10 

Irresistible sexy lover of sparkling starlight 

Just like daddy of sparkling starlight 

Love never been so easy of sparkling starlight 

Love story forever of sparkling starlight 

Love kiss and romance of sparkling starlight 

Moonlight eternity of sparkling starlight 

Moonlight gambler of sparkling starlight 

Nothing can stop me now of sparkling starlight

Nothing compares to me of sparkling starlight 

Nothing is better than king of sparkling starlight 

Nothing else matters of sparkling starlight 

Nothing gonna change my love of sparkling starlight 

Now let me show you of sparkling starlight 

Nice snow girl of sparkling starlight 

Oh i give you my heart of sparkling starlight 

Outstanding to my heart of sparkling starlight

Djazzy doris day du domaine de merlin 

Falcon fast and furious du domaine de merlin 

Radost zhizni uslada 

In snow white memory 

Nox poli bonned baron 

Jon dori grinol emi


Les tests de caractère

Le test d'aptitude naturel au traîneau  (TANT du club de race CFCNSJ) 

Ce test n'existe que depuis 2 ans donc nos plus vieux chiens ne l'ont pas 

Nos chiens ayant obtenu 4/4

Love never been so easy of sparkling starlight 

Love story forever of sparkling starlight 

Nothing can stop me now of sparkling starlight

Nothing compares to me of sparkling starlight 

Nothing gonna change my love of sparkling starlight 

Now let me show you of sparkling starlight 

Nox poli bonned baron 

Nos chiens ayant obtenu 3,5/4

Nothing else matters of sparkling starlight 

Nice snow girl of sparkling starlight 

Oh i give you my heart of sparkling starlight 

In snow white memory