Championnat d Europe 2022
Actualité publié le 12/05/2022
Juge ( Finlande) Harri Lehkonen
Love never been so easy of sparkling starlight Champion boy 1 excellent RCACIB VICE EUROPEAN WINNER
Ready to walk the red carpet of sparkling starlight Intermediair girl 2 excellent RCACS RCACIB VICE EUROPEAN WINNER
Nothing compares to me of sparkling starlight Champion girl 1 excellent
Remember I am the only one of sparkling starlight Open girl 1 excellent
Ready for a new adventure of sparkling starlight Intermédiaire boy 4 excellent
Radost zhizni uslada Veteran girl 2 excellent VICE EUROPEAN VETERAN
Sky skarlett game of love Junior girl Excellent
Start over and never regret of sparkling starlight Bos baby EUROPEAN WINNER BABY
Start and never give up of sparkling starlight 3 very promissing
Le lendemain il y avait le championnat de France et les résuktats ont encore ete meilleur avec 2 titres de champions de France
Juge ( Finlande) Harri Lehkonen
Love never been so easy of sparkling starlight Champion boy 1 excellent RCACIB VICE EUROPEAN WINNER
Ready to walk the red carpet of sparkling starlight Intermediair girl 2 excellent RCACS RCACIB VICE EUROPEAN WINNER
Nothing compares to me of sparkling starlight Champion girl 1 excellent
Remember I am the only one of sparkling starlight Open girl 1 excellent
Ready for a new adventure of sparkling starlight Intermédiaire boy 4 excellent
Radost zhizni uslada Veteran girl 2 excellent VICE EUROPEAN VETERAN
Sky skarlett game of love Junior girl Excellent
Start over and never regret of sparkling starlight Bos baby EUROPEAN WINNER BABY
Start and never give up of sparkling starlight 3 very promissing
Le lendemain il y avait le championnat de France et les résuktats ont encore ete meilleur avec 2 titres de champions de France