Nationale d'élevage 2019
Actualité publiée le 25/03/2019
Retour de la Nationale d'élevage 2019
championnat du club de race CFCNSJ samoyede
championnat du club de race CFCNSJ samoyede
Nothing compares to me of sparkling starlight
?? Nothing can stop me now of sparkling starlight ??
?? Nothing better than King of sparkling starlight
Falcon fast and furious du domaine de merlin
BOS vétéran
?? Once we clim mountains of sparkling starlight ??
BOB baby
??Once the star twinkles Of sparkling starlight ??
BOS baby
??Love never been so easy of sparkling starlight ??
BOS champion
?? BEST IN SHOW 1 ?? paire
avec Love never been so easy of sparkling starlight et Oh i give you my heart of sparkling starlight
??BOB couple meilleure couple
avec pere et fille
Nox poli bonned et Outstanding to my heart of sparkling starlight ??
??BOB Breeder meilleur élevage
avec 3 garçons
Love never been so easy of spakling starlight
Love story forever of sparkling starlight
Oh i give you my heart of sparkling starlight ??
?? BEST IN SHOW 2 REPRODUCTEUR 2 eme meilleure reproducteur
le papa
Nox poli bonned baron
et ses enfants
Oh i give you my heart of sparkling starlight
Outstanding to my heart of sparkling starlight
Once the star twinkles of sparkling starlight
Once we clims moutains of sparkling starlight
*Nothing compares to me OSS
CAC 1 excellent open
*Nice Snow girl OSS
3 excellent open
*Nothing can stop me now OSS
RCAC 1 excellent intermédiair
*Now let me show you OSS
3 very good intermédiair
*Jon dori grinol Emy
2excellent junior
*Outstanding To my heart OSS
2 very promissing puppy
*Once we clim mountains OSS
1 very promissing Baby BOB
*Love never been so easy OSS
1 excellent champion
*Nothing gonna change my love OSS
Excellent OPEN
*Nothing better than King OSS
RCAC 1 excellent intermédiair
Oh i give you my heart OSS
*3 excellent junior
*Once the star twinkles OSS
1 very promissing BOS Baby
*Falcon fast and furious
1 excellent BOS vétéran
Nothing compares to me of sparkling starlight
?? Nothing can stop me now of sparkling starlight ??
?? Nothing better than King of sparkling starlight
Falcon fast and furious du domaine de merlin
BOS vétéran
?? Once we clim mountains of sparkling starlight ??
BOB baby
??Once the star twinkles Of sparkling starlight ??
BOS baby
??Love never been so easy of sparkling starlight ??
BOS champion
?? BEST IN SHOW 1 ?? paire
avec Love never been so easy of sparkling starlight et Oh i give you my heart of sparkling starlight
??BOB couple meilleure couple
avec pere et fille
Nox poli bonned et Outstanding to my heart of sparkling starlight ??
??BOB Breeder meilleur élevage
avec 3 garçons
Love never been so easy of spakling starlight
Love story forever of sparkling starlight
Oh i give you my heart of sparkling starlight ??
?? BEST IN SHOW 2 REPRODUCTEUR 2 eme meilleure reproducteur
le papa
Nox poli bonned baron
et ses enfants
Oh i give you my heart of sparkling starlight
Outstanding to my heart of sparkling starlight
Once the star twinkles of sparkling starlight
Once we clims moutains of sparkling starlight
*Nothing compares to me OSS
CAC 1 excellent open
*Nice Snow girl OSS
3 excellent open
*Nothing can stop me now OSS
RCAC 1 excellent intermédiair
*Now let me show you OSS
3 very good intermédiair
*Jon dori grinol Emy
2excellent junior
*Outstanding To my heart OSS
2 very promissing puppy
*Once we clim mountains OSS
1 very promissing Baby BOB
*Love never been so easy OSS
1 excellent champion
*Nothing gonna change my love OSS
Excellent OPEN
*Nothing better than King OSS
RCAC 1 excellent intermédiair
Oh i give you my heart OSS
*3 excellent junior
*Once the star twinkles OSS
1 very promissing BOS Baby
*Falcon fast and furious
1 excellent BOS vétéran